Is the reason that The Infinite Learning House exists today. Without her, there would be no ILH, no program, and no way for David and Christina to come as far as they’ve had. Very simply, we at ILH owe a lot to Judy.
Dedicating her life to help others, Judy has always been a gracious and beautiful soul. She has changed the lives of a countless number of people. As a teacher, she has motivated many to be their best selves. But, in the case of the Infinite Learning House, she is a mentor who has given those we serve the ability to strive and do more than they ever thought possible. Without Judy, we would not be where we are today.
As one of the best teachers in the state, Judy’s qualifications supercede those of any other. She has spent her life teaching and does so with an extreme sense of kindness and consideration. In Judy’s case, as with all others, actions speak louder than words, and although her resume is extremely impressive, Judy’s personality and teaching style is unmet not only by others in the state, but in the country. The Infinite Learning House is Judy as much as it is its students, and thanks to her, we can say that those we serve are living a much better life. Thank you for everything you do, Judy!
If you have any questions for Judy, you can email her at: